Published: 2020-08-211

Trade in forest commodities based on the chronicles of Kaunas Mayor (1561–1564)

Krzysztof Łożyński
Echa Przeszłości


Forests have always been economically important. They provided local communities with wood, a major resource upon which crafts production was based at the time. Forest raw materials were traded internally, while forest goods played a significant role in exports to Western Europe. The economic progress and a high demand for Lithuanian forest products enabled domestic and foreign merchants to freely export goods such as wood, ash and tar from the forests surrounding the city of Kaunas.


Kaunas, trade, forest goods

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Łożyński, K. (2020). Trade in forest commodities based on the chronicles of Kaunas Mayor (1561–1564). Echa Przeszłości, (XX/2).

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