Published: 2020-08-211

Two letters of Polish missionaries in Armand David’s collection in the archives of the Lazarites Congregation of Priests of the Mission in Paris

Piotr Daszkiewicz
Echa Przeszłości


This article analyzes two letters written by Polish missionaries, which were found in Armand David’s collection in Paris. The letter by Franciszek Grzegdala concerns the purchase of books and the affairs related to Father Michał Stasionis. The second letter was authored by Kasper Słomiński, and it discusses a collection of natural specimens amassed by the missionaries in Kraków. The letter is an important historical account of one of Armand David’s last collections that were shipped from Paris to Kraków.


Armand David, Polish missionaries, nature collections

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Daszkiewicz, P. (2020). Two letters of Polish missionaries in Armand David’s collection in the archives of the Lazarites Congregation of Priests of the Mission in Paris. Echa Przeszłości, (XX/2).

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