Towards perfect unity: himnography and some musical reinterpretations within Serbian chanting practice
Department of Church Music and Chanting of Music Academy University of East SarajevoAbstract
This paper explains the musical treatment of the hymnographic genres within the Serbian chanting practice. As it is known, the original Byzantine poetic structure written in verse — which was in perfect unity with the Byzantine chant concerning the rhythm and meter — was lost in Church-Slavonic translations. The Slavonic hymnography in prose inevitably caused modification of the music language, i.e. establishing of the new bond between the word and a tone. Accordingly, a creative practise of “tailoring” the church melodies to the structure and semantics of the particular hymnographic genre occurred within Serbian chanting practise. Eventually, many songs from the Octoechos, General Chanting, as well as certain songs of the Festal Chanting, gained the status of the “fixed” chants, the proof of which are the first Serbian chanting collections from the 19th century written in staff notation. In these chants semantics and music are set in a specific manner and they represent a model by which the chanters govern themselves while singing other church hymns. Ideal unity of hymnography and music in the fixed chants is reflected in coinciding of textual and music phrases. Such an ideal balance contributes to the clear transmission of the hymnographic content to the faithful. However, sticheras, irmoses, troparions and kontakions which lack the ideal balance, may cause the hymnographic narration and, at some places, even the theological points to be incomprehensible and imprecise. To creative chanters it is an opportunity to “tailor”, i.e. to reinterpret the chants in order to compensate for these imperfections. Such a creative interpretation is possible only by skilled chanters who, above all, thoroughly understand the meaning and structure of a particular hymnographic work. Amongst such chanters were some of the bishops and patriarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Certain chants related to this problem are examined in this paper.
hymnography, chanting, genres, music, poeticsLiteraturhinweise
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Department of Church Music and Chanting of Music Academy University of East Sarajevo