Хайретизмы с яко и бо в церковнославянских акафистах Богородице и святым
Theodore Liudogovsky
The purpose of the work is to identify and make a classification of the hairetisms that are part of the akathists to the saints and the Mother of God and contain as the main part of the clauses with conjunctions yako and bo. First, the classical texts will be considered - the Great Akathist (§ 1) and the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker (§ 2), the citation of which in the later akathists were devoted to the above two articles; at the next step, against the background of the first two akathists, the remaining 98 akathists (59 to the Mother of God, 59 to the saints), which are reflected in the database (§ 3 and 4), will be analyzed. The text base was computer developed using the system database management (DBMS) Microsoft Access.
contemporary akathists to the Theotokos and the Saints, the Great Akathist, New Church Slavonic, DBSMLiteraturhinweise
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