Published: 2018-10-071

On some Ethical Aspects of Transplantation

Wojciech Słomski
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


Organ transplantation always involves three parties: the donor, the recipient, and the doctor. The basis of all doctor activities should be great respect for the patient as an autonomic subject that has the right to decide about himor herself. In case of a transplantation only the organ recipient is medically cured, and due to the lack of sufficient organ quantity trans - plantations are conducted only for patients who cannot be treated in an alternative way. The patients waiting for transplantations are always in a no-way-out situation, i.e. they can either accept the transplantation or die. The problem looks different with regards to the organ donors. The donor can be either a living or a dead person. Of course, the living donor can take the decision intentionally, taking organs from the dead is another question. There is a conflict between the interests of the donor and the interests of the recipient, and moreover there is an interest conflict between the actions of the doctor whose aim is the possible quickest organ taking and the goals of a resuscitation team.


philosophy, ethics/moral philosophy, eco-philosophy, bioethics, transplant, law

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Słomski, W. (2018). On some Ethical Aspects of Transplantation. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (13), 261–272.

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