Published: 2018-10-091

Isotropism or Diversity of the Universe

Honorata Korpikiewicz


Observations of the Universe showed his not large differentiating with relation to of the earthly matter. The pre-Hindu cosmological principle, formulated by C. Rudnicki on the basis of Bagavadgita: „The Universe is infinite in time and space, and endlessly diverse” points to the basic characterisitic of the World: its spacious and temporal infinity, but also to a new feature which has not been notified before. It demonstrates the endless diversity both in Cosmos and on the Earth. Such representation of immanent features of the Universe implies not only ontological and cognitive conclusions (Cosmos's diversity requires new mathematics which uses new concepts of infinite diversity) but also ethical ones, raising bio-diversity and the necessity to preserve it for the natural laws.


universe, cosmolog, cosmological principles, cosmoecology, variety, diversity, biodiversity, homogeneity, isotropism

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Korpikiewicz, H. (2018). Isotropism or Diversity of the Universe. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (11), 99–110. Retrieved from

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