Published: 2018-09-061

Beauty in the Theory of Science. Aesthetic Criteria in Scientific Theory Assessment and Choice

Marek Szydłowski , Paweł Tambor
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


Our aim in this articles is to trace the evolution of the concept beauty in the philosophy and science and its role, as a relevant factor, in model  assessment in modern cosmology. We focus on the teories James W. McAlister, Nicholas Maxwell and Paul Thagard, who treat beauty, as well as simplicity, symmetry or adequacy of explanation, as the non-empirical criteria important in the reconstruction of scientific progres and change. On the basis of the current reaserch in cosmology we propose an important methodological suplement to the discusssion about beauty and other non-empirical criteria in science in the framework of Akaike Informational Criterion


beauty, simplicity, cosmology, empirical and non-empirical criteria in scientific theory assessment and choice

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Szydłowski, M., & Tambor, P. (2018). Beauty in the Theory of Science. Aesthetic Criteria in Scientific Theory Assessment and Choice. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (19), 55–74.

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