Rozważania na temat zrzeczenia się prawa do wniesienia odwołania w kontekście orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych

Magdalena Tyska

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


This article presents the right to waive an appeal against an administrative decision in selected issues in the light of the jurisprudence of administrative courts. This institution was introduced into the national legal order in 2017, and the doubts arising when applying it are clarified by the judicature.               For the sake of clarity of the considerations undertaken, the first part of the article presents the legal structure of the waiver of appeal. The following part of the text refers to the latest position of the Supreme Administrative Court as regards the beginning of the period for submitting a declaration of waiver of the right to appeal, the possibility of withdrawing the declaration of waiver of the right to appeal, the procedural situation of the omitted party in a situation where the parties participating in the the proceedings waived the right to appeal. Moreover, in the article, through the prism of the Supreme Administrative Court's ruling, the necessity to instruct the party about the consequences of taking advantage of the waiver of the appeal by the administrative body was emphasized.               Therefore, the scope of the research covers the procedural right of a party in administrative proceedings, which the party may use to expedite the completion of the proceedings by receiving a final and legally valid decision. The final conclusion reached by the author is that the party's right to waive the appeal may be effectively notified by the party even on the day of physical delivery (announcement) of the administrative decision and it is possible to withdraw the submitted declaration of will.


postępowanie administracyjne, prawo odwołania, zrzeczenie się prawa do wniesienia odwołania, decyzja administracyjna, strona pominięta

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Cited by

Tyska, M. (2022). Rozważania na temat zrzeczenia się prawa do wniesienia odwołania w kontekście orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych. Kortowski Przegląd Prawniczy, (3).

Magdalena Tyska 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie