Wartość dowodowa czynności realizowanych z osobą znajdującą się pod wpływem alkoholu lub środków odurzających
Marcin Bobko
Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny SWPS w Warszawiehttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1845-0005
Personal evidence is, both in general and practical terms, the best source of information in relation to a specific event that may constitute a specific crime. For this reason, activities carried out with these people must be carried out in the most scrupulous manner possible, and the evidence derived from them should be reliable. They must also comply with the provisions of criminal procedure.
The aim of the study is to determine whether evidentiary activities carried out with persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are consistent with the trial standards and the principle regulated in Art. 171§7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, regarding freedom of expression. The thesis has been proven that evidentiary activities carried out in this way are contrary to the cited principle, because the presence of any substances in the body, even without the participation of the body conducting evidence, violates its rules and thus has a negative impact on consciousness. When law enforcement or procedural authorities accept explanations or testimonies from people under the influence of alcohol or drugs, inconsistency and lack of due precision of the activities carried out with them may very often occur due to the possibility of these people being excessively subject to pressure, which may result in result in their invalidity in the next stages of the evidentiary process.
kryminalistyka, dowód, konwalidacja, alkohol, środki odurzająceReferences
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Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny SWPS w Warszawie