Realizacja zasad wyborczych podczas wyborów parlamentarnych i referendum ogólnokrajowego w Polsce z 15 października 2023 r.
On October 15, 2023, parliamentary elections were held in Poland, which were combined with voting in a national referendum. This project aroused numerous criticisms, which referred to the violation of electoral rules regulated in the Constitution.
The aim of this study is to analyze whether the last elections combined with voting in a national referendum implemented the electoral rules provided for by law, and specifically the legal act with the highest legal force - the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.
The analysis conducted leads to the conclusion that the parliamentary elections, which were held together with a nationwide referendum, did not fully meet the electoral rules regulated in the Constitution. Namely, there was a violation of the principle of equality in its material aspect. This is exemplified by the disproportion in the number of deputies running in relation to the number of people entitled to vote. Moreover, the elections were not equal insofar as this principle relates to equality of opportunity in the conduct of an election campaign. The last elections also did not fully implement the principle of secrecy. Refusal to collect the referendum card clearly placed the voter on one side of the political scene.
wybory parlamentarne, referendum ogólnokrajowe, zasady wyborczeReferences
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