Political and Military Activities During the Second Balkan War in the Light of “Dziennik Poznański” (June – August 1913)

Maciej Chaberski


mgr politologii, absolwent Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, obecnie w trakcie pracy nad dysertacją doktorską. Pracownik samorządowy. Zainteresowania naukowe koncentruje na historii Półwyspu Bałkańskiego w XIX i XX wieku.


The direct causes of the outbreak of the Second Balkan War were a series of incidents and clashes between Bulgarian forces, on the one hand, and Serbian and Greek armies, on the other hand. The chauvinistic propaganda played an important role in preparing for war in the Balkan countries, as well. The reason why Bulgaria did not take a well thought-out decision to engage in the war was, among other things, was the view that Serbs and Greeks made an agreement to partition Macedonia and create borders to the west of the Vardar River. Initially, the Bulgarian army was victorious, but in one of the first major battles of Bregalnica and Kukush, the Bulgarians suffered defeat. The Ottoman Empire joined the war and invaded Thrace as well. Exhausted, Bulgaria was forced to fight on four fronts and in a short period of time the Bulgarian army had to capitulate. As a result of the peace treaty of Bucharest, the Bulgarians lost a large part of the territory conquered in the first Balkan war (Dobrudzha and Balchik). However, the treaty of Bucharest did not bring to the end to the partition of the Macedonian territories. The Macedonian problem was one of the most important issues in forthcoming months and years. In the second Balkan war, which is called the inter-allied war, Christian nations fought each other and Bulgaria suffered the largest defeat. The process and nature of the political and military activities were discussed in “Dziennik Poznański.”


inter-ally war, the year 1913, Balkan League, Second Balkan War, “Dziennik Poznański”, Bulgaria, Turkey, Serbia

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Cited by

Chaberski, M. (2019). Political and Military Activities During the Second Balkan War in the Light of “Dziennik Poznański” (June – August 1913). Media - Culture - Social Communication, 2(14), 75–95. https://doi.org/10.31648/mkks.2899

Maciej Chaberski 
<p>mgr politologii, absolwent Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, obecnie w trakcie pracy nad dysertacją doktorską. Pracownik samorządowy. Zainteresowania naukowe koncentruje na historii Półwyspu Bałkańskiego w XIX i XX wieku.</p>  Poland

mgr politologii, absolwent Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, obecnie w trakcie pracy nad dysertacją doktorską. Pracownik samorządowy. Zainteresowania naukowe koncentruje na historii Półwyspu Bałkańskiego w XIX i XX wieku.