The Role of Holocaust Museums and Their Auditorium in Shaping the Memory of the Holocaust in the Context of New Media

Adriana Krawiec

Jagiellonian University in Kraków


By means of social media, understood as new media, public museums conduct a discourse with their online auditors. The presented research aims to answer the question of whether Internet audiences, which in the 21st century take part in the discourse on such a painful topic as the Holocaust, can build Holocaust museum exhibitions in the Internet environment thanks to new media. In the study, the term “building exhibitions” was understood as influencing the exposure of the Holocaust and the narrative of selected museums on the Internet. New media have an impact on the audience in contact with a museum institution, as they strengthen the reception of the exhibition and engage the
attention of visitors, but also allow them to move beyond the physical object. Thanks to social media, there is also a change in the communication process between the museum and the audience ‒ the museumʼs audience asks questions and shares the experience gained from the exhibition and not only passively sightseeing, traversing museum rooms in real space. According to Susan Hazan (2006), an auditorium can build an exhibition thanks to new media. The author of this study does not fully confirm Hazanʼs thesis. She derives her opinion from the analysis of the presence in social media of the two largest Holocaust museums in Poland and the United States: Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oświęcimiu (The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim) and The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.


museum's auditorium, Holocaust museums, new media, memory policy

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Cited by

Krawiec, A. (2021). The Role of Holocaust Museums and Their Auditorium in Shaping the Memory of the Holocaust in the Context of New Media. Media - Culture - Social Communication, 2(16), 21–42.

Adriana Krawiec 
Jagiellonian University in Kraków