Media labs in vernacular culture context. Case study of polish institutionsMedialabs in vernacular culture context

Daniel Sołtysiak

Uniwersytet Łódzki


This article analyses the concept of research in digital humanities laboratories from the perspective of vernacular culture. The text considers the theoretical assumptions of the laboratory model and vernacular culture as a methodological proposal, also taking into account the genesis of the term. The study is based on three determinants of the concept: emergent, structural subversiveness, local and amateurishness.

The case study of Polish institutions was based on interviews with representatives of three media labs: in Gdańsk, Kraków and Katowice. The research conclusions led to a proposal to analyse media labs in the context of the title paradigm, taking into account the activities undertaken in the laboratories and the specificity of their functioning. The study focused on the aspects that define the activities of media labs: the regional historical context, social needs, local digital culture, and the Do It Yourself paradigm.

In the summary, the author proposes a broader context for future research of digital humanities laboratories in European post-socialist countries.


medialab, vernacular culture, local digital culture, laboratory of humanities

Supporting Agencies

University of Łódź, University of Łódź Doctoral School of Humanities

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Cited by

Sołtysiak, D. (2022). Media labs in vernacular culture context. Case study of polish institutionsMedialabs in vernacular culture context. Media - Culture - Social Communication, (18).

Daniel Sołtysiak 
Uniwersytet Łódzki