Typology of non-izosemic realizations of the propositional argument (based on the material of the Polish and Russian languages). Part 2

Aleksander Kiklewicz

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The subject of the article is non-izosemic syntactic realizations of propositional arguments as components of sentence content, implicated by the lexical verb meaning in the position of predicate according to its valence predisposition. A linguistic analysis and description is based on the functional syntactic theory, especially on the explicative syntactic theory, whose foundations were worked out by S. Karolak, as well as the Polish school of semantic syntax. The author has identified and analysed in the aspect of functional syntax the following types of syntactic transformations: implication, separation (replacement), loose connection, self-empowerment, conversion, blending, restructuring, simplification (creation of compact groups), transposition and definitization. The material is served by simple and complex sentences excerpted from the texts as well as the language corpora in the Polish and Russian languages; the information is sometimes referred to other languages (for example, English). Describing the full/discrete and incomplete/indiscreet syntactic representations of propositional arguments, the author takes into account three aspects: meaning (semantic function), form (belonging to the grammatical class) and syntactic position (of the verb, of the noun, independent and others).


functional syntax, syntactic derivation, syntactic representation, syntactic explicitation vs implicitation

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Cited by

Kiklewicz, A. (2019). Typology of non-izosemic realizations of the propositional argument (based on the material of the Polish and Russian languages). Part 2. Prace Językoznawcze, 21(3), 75–90. https://doi.org/10.31648/pj.4433

Aleksander Kiklewicz 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie