Framing and Its Impact. An Analysis Based on the Example of Migration-related Discourse
Anna Dargiewicz
The aim of the present article is, rather than discussing individual theories of framing, an
analysis of the phenomenon from the point of view of linguistics. Interpretative frame is
interesting as a linguistic phenomenon resulting from linguistic activity and also because
of the influence it has or can have on the addressee of the given linguistic activity, precisely
due to its specific linguistic form. The empirical research on which this article is based
(and which is connected with the discourse on migration-related problems) focuses on the
interpretative frame, the lexical means employed to establish the frame, and the reactions
that deliberate wording can evoke among the receivers. The theoretical reflections
are justified by the description of the results of analysing the relevant research corpus.
framing, frame, interpretive frame, wording effect, discourse, migration, corpus, emotions, framing, frame, interpretive frame, wording effect, discourse, migration, corpus, emotionsReferences
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