The boundaries of hate speech: law and reality

Danuta Kępa-Figura


The reasons for exploring hate speech in this article were: the significance of this category
in the Polish public discourse in the second decade of the 21st century; lack of consensus as
to what phenomenon it falls within the scope of this category; a need for a legal, statutory
definition of this term. The main aims of the article were to capture the moment when
the meaning of the notion of hate speech broadened, to discover factors determining this
broadening, and to assess the validity of a postulate to make hate speech a legal term.
To realize the research objectives a selection of texts representing anti-discrimination
discourse was analysed as the greatest impact on the broadening of the meaning of hate
speech is wielded by entities involved in the protection of minority rights (in particular
the rights of sexual minorities). The characteristics of this non-legal understanding
of hate speech are listed, taking into account a linguistic, a sociological and a psychological
perspective. The article distinguishes the characteristics of hate speech that – according
to the entities involved in the defence of minority rights – are decisive for the inclusion
of homophobic discourse within the scope of hate speech. It also discusses those features
that are decisive for the identification of cases of hate speech in the field of symbolic
violence, caused by contempt or hatred. Taking into account the fact that broadening
the non-legal understanding of hate speech does not have to imply penalizing all
its manifestations, and allowing for diverse interferences between the legal and the
non-legal understanding of hate speech, the postulate of turning this concept into a legal
term was found unjustified. It was also shown that when there is a balance between being
a minority and being a sufficiently large/visible minority, broadly understood hate speech
is taken into account in the legislative reality.


hate speech, anti-discrimination discourse, linguistics and penal law

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Cited by

Kępa-Figura, D. (2020). The boundaries of hate speech: law and reality. Prace Językoznawcze, 22(1), 101–118.

Danuta Kępa-Figura