Comma in sentences with adjectival participles

Bartłomiej Cieśla

Uniwersytet Łódzki


The aim of the article is to review rules of punctuation concerning sentences with an
adjectival participle. First of all, only sources published after 2000 were taken into
account (dictionaries, handbooks, answers from linguistic advice services) because,
it seems, they have shaped the contemporary punctuation practice to a decisive degree.
The article scrutinizes such aspects of the issue as: the scope and details of the description,
convergence / divergence of opinions, usefulness of individual linguistic recommendations.
A possible direction of changes when it comes to explaining the analysed instance
of punctuation norms is also indicated.


the use of a comma, comma and adjectival participles, linguisitc advice

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Cited by

Cieśla, B. (2021). Comma in sentences with adjectival participles. Prace Językoznawcze, 23(3), 55–69.

Bartłomiej Cieśla 
Uniwersytet Łódzki