Between politeness and effectiveness. Teachers’ negation acts used during oral Matura exams
Anna Tabisz
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
The article presents results of qualitative analysis of negation acts used by examiners
during oral Polish language school-leaving (Matura) exams. The text is divided into three
parts, the first one describing the Matura exam in the Polish language, and discussing
genre determinants of the examination conversation, recognizing that one of them is
politeness. In the next part, politeness in the teacher – student relationship is characterized,
referring to the Polish model of politeness and two basic principles: autonomy
and kindness. In the third part, results of the analysis of negation acts are presented,
including answers to the questions: What acts of negation do examiners use? How are
they expressed? Are these acts of negation polite? The material is based on 48 oral Matura exams (in total nearly 200 minutes of recordings) recorded during an oral mock Matura exam in the Polish language.
Matura exam conversation, genre, language politeness, eacher – student relationship, act of negationReferences
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