The role of terminology in the construction of a research paradigm (semantics-based syntax and construction grammar)
Iwona Nowakowska-Kempna
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy w CzęstochowieAbstract
According to T. Kuhn, a research paradigm is viewed as a model study taking into account
a body of homogeneous, compatible and coherent assumptions of a conceptual/terminological,
methodological, and philosophical nature. A research paradigm is indispensable
for theory construction. From among theories based on syntactic analysis, semantics-based
syntax and construction grammar were selected for the purpose of this study. It was
demonstrated how methodological assumptions can lead to the construction of terminology,
that is a network of interconnected terms. Taking into consideration the traditional terms
along with their new meanings and the new terminology used in construction grammar,
the focus was on the term construction.
research paradigm, semantically-based syntax/grammar, construction grammarReferences
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