He who has ears, let him hear… On pragmatic added value in phraseological units about listening from the perspective of axiological linguistics
Tomasz Żurawlew
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie:Abstract
The article is devoted to the image of language users’ experiences with listening that is set
in phraseological units in German. Using the tools of axiological linguistics, the author
attempts to answer questions such as: what convictions about the essence of listening are
encoded in phraseological units about speech situations, what expectations of the speaker
towards their interlocutor(s) are manifested in the examined phrasemes, which criterion
is adopted in attributing values to the attitude of listening/not listening, and, finally,
what role the phrasemes that encode axiological valuation of both attitudes may perform
in interpersonal communication. Special attention is paid to the perlocutionary effects
of the axiological potential carried by the examined phraseological units. The conclusion
that is drawn is that the phrasemes reflect social valuation and some of them may be used
in restrictive communication. Furthermore, it appears that the experience of listening
encoded in German phraseological units has three semantic variants: an affective reaction
of the listener to the content of the speaker’s utterance; an attitude of not paying sufficient
attention to the speaker’s message, which can thus destabilize speaker-hearer relations;
and, finally, a communicative attitude of obedience.
the experience of listening in phraseological units, communication act, positive valuation, negative valuation, axiological linguisticsReferences
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