Conceptualizations of writing and the written text in the core curriculum for teaching the Polish language – a text linguistics perspective
Jolanta Nocoń
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
The paper attempts to reconstruct the concepts of the written text and writing competence as inscribed in the 21st-century Polish language curriculum, from the fourth grade of primary school to the matriculation exam, with reference to two linguistic approaches to text: static and dynamic. The goal of this analysis was to determine what it means to be able to write in L1 from the perspective of the authors of the analysed documents, and
ultimately to reconstruct the structure of text writing competence as an expected outcome
of the learning process. The conducted analysis reveals a certain tension in subsequent
Polish language curricula between the conventionalization of texts written at school as
products with specific characteristics, and the understanding of text as a form of verbal
interaction. The model of a graduate competent at writing described in the core curricula
is profiled differently each time, although a certain common basis in the form of sub-skills
included in each of the analyzed curriculum documents is clearly visible. The analysis
leads to a conclusion that what is fundamental to the educational process is not the choice
of linguistic concepts of text as a theoretical basis for the construction of a curriculum, but
the coherence of the overarching educational concept which should condition a particular
model of writing skills and the written text.
conceptualization, text, writing, core curriculum, Polish languageReferences
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