Street names as the stuff of “banal patriotism”
Mariusz Rutkowski
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM
M. Billig’s concept of banal nationalism (2008) assumes that nationalism can be strengthened primarily by “unnoticeable”, everyday practices and “hiding” big symbols in small, everyday things (flags, banknotes, anthems, etc.). Similarly, patriotism and national identity can also be shaped and strengthened through “everyday” and “unnoticeable” linguistic symbols: street names. These names are usually given in memory of distinguished, great people who are “models of patriotism” and belong to the national cultural canon. Such commemorative names are then reproduced in everyday
communication practices when navigating urban spaces. The paper will show how names
shape the patterns of Polish patriotism: what values are considered key to shaping the
attitudes of modern Poles. Changes in the scope of this naming under the influence
of political changes will also be shown. As a result, some names are erased from collective
memory, while others are forcibly introduced into it, with the intention of thus forming
an identity based on new values. Street names are therefore also an important tool
of language policy and historical policy. The persuasive and memory-forming power
of street names lies in their usability and a kind of “habituation”: names are part
of everyday life, they are normal, natural, and thus – unnoticeable as a tool of politics
and ideology. The methodological framework of the paper will be the author’s method
of Onomastic Discourse Analysis.
street names, collective memory, memory carriers, onomastic discourse analysis, linguistics of memory, banal nationalismReferences
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