Multimodal mass and social media messages. A comparative case study
The methodological background of the article is media linguistics along with the multimodal analysis method. The subject of research is a fragment of the media discourse on the arrival of Novak Djoković to Melbourne for the tennis tournament and the related events between January 4 and 11, 2022. The compared multimodal content and the
obtained results allow for the conclusion that messages from the mass and new media
effectively created the media image of the event and profiled the content in accordance
with the common and established knowledge about the tennis player Djoković and
strengthened the stereotypes about him and the Serbs. The use of prosumer media consists
in communication practices that are capable of producing and sustaining discursive images
of an event or person for a long time. For these users, Djoković performs various social
roles. Social media can be an extension of mass media with respect to reinforcing media
images of the world. Commonalities between these images are the production, structure
and distribution techniques. Differences are usually the values and the beliefs, emotions,
knowledge and effects associated with them.
media linguistics, linguistic turn, iconic turn, media image of the world, discourse image of the worldReferences
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