Telling the cruelty – an analysis of nonverbal behaviours of war crimes witnesses
Katarzyna Liber-Kwiecińska
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
The study focused on nonverbal behaviours of witnesses to war crimes accompanying their verbalization of traumatic memories. The undertaken analysis involved fifty-five
testimonies given by witnesses of crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1991–1995, as well as testimonies in documentary films about the civil war in the former Yugoslavia. The purpose of the study was to determine in which parts of the testimony the witnesses’ gestures are most intense, and to isolate the main categories of gestural behaviour exhibited by the victims of war crimes in order to visualize their experiences for the audience and clarify the verbal message. Taking into
consideration the findings in the field of trauma psychology, it assumed that in the case
of war crimes testimonies gestures may be a direct translation of coded images and
impressions deprived of a linear narrative, and they may actively support the verbalization
of traumatic experiences that victims find difficult to put into words. The article discusses
the categories of gestures identified during the analysis, which are accompanied by
photographic material from selected testimonies.
gesticulation, gestures, nonverbal communication, war crimes, trauma, nonverbal behaviour, war, traumatic stressorReferences
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Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie