A lexicographic image of journey in Polish, English and Japanese – lexical synonymy analysis
Agnieszka Jedziniak
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicachhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1163-4936
Joanna Ryszka
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Uniwersytet Rzymski „La Sapienza”https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5142-3949
The act of travelling, as a phenomenon essential for a human being, is discussed by
numerous researchers from various disciplines. The following article is a linguistic
contribution to the ongoing discussion. It attempts to determine the image of journey
in Polish, English and Japanese. To do that, lexicographic analysis of the semantic
fields of the words podróż, journey, and 旅 tabi was conducted. The study consisted
of an excerption of the above words’ synonyms and an analysis of their definitions.
The scrutiny of lexical synonymy of the data collected from 21 dictionaries made it possible
to distinguish nine main linguistic profiles that form the general linguistic image
of journey in the analysed languages. It was observed that five out of the nine profiles were
present in all three languages, namely: the spatial profile, temporal profile, intentional
profile, means-of-transportation-oriented profile, and adventure-oriented profile. Also,
Japanese showed limited variation of the profiles; thus, the image of journey in this
language is the least complex. Japanese dictionaries list the lowest number of lexemes
(30) semantically related to 旅 tabi. For Polish and English, it was respectively 43 and
69. Additionally, the analysis also revealed a different approach toward lexical synonymy
and dictionary compilation in the three languages, which can pose a problem in this type
of comparative research.
synonymy, journey, lexicography, Linguistic Image of the World, profileReferences
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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Uniwersytet Rzymski „La Sapienza”