Connotations of colour names in Silesian toponymy and hydronymy (black, white, green)

Danuta Lech-Kirstein

Uniwersytet Opolski


Colours belong to the basic means of human orientation in the world. They convey information
about values followed by a given society, are an expression of individual and
collective identity, evoke various associations and emotions, and reflect the perception
of the surrounding reality. The subject of the paper are geographical names of Silesia
containing a colour element: black, white and green – the most characteristic colours
of Silesia. Both genetically Polish and German names were examined, as the history of Silesia and the natural linguistic and cultural symbiosis make it possible to treat them
equally. Research on the names of colours in both languages does not show any major
differences in the connotations and prototypes of these names. The first part of the paper
explains terms related to the topic, such as hue vs. colour, and connotations. Then, three
colour elements are presented , starting from the etymology of the words, through their
connotations resulting from the folk perception of the world, beliefs and traditions, ending
with the analysis of geographical names containing these elements. Compounds proper,
solid compounds and juxtapositions linking adjectives with nouns confirm the prototype
patterns of white, green and black, but they also introduce new, unknown connotations.
The names with a colour element create a specific image of Silesia as a land that is dark,
dusky and wild, on the one hand, but bright, clean and full of life, on the other hand.


connotations, geographical names, names of hues vs. colours, Silesian onomastics

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Cited by

Lech-Kirstein, D. (2021). Connotations of colour names in Silesian toponymy and hydronymy (black, white, green). Prace Językoznawcze, 23(2), 91–103.

Danuta Lech-Kirstein 
Uniwersytet Opolski