„Ajm Polisz i mieszkam w Glasgowicach”. Wybrane zjawiska kontaktu językowego w tekstach pisanych na przykładzie zbioru wspomnień Wyfrunęli

Kathryn Northeast

Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The aim of the study was to indicate the features of bilingual literature and discuss
the language of narrative in texts of contemporary migrant literature. The material used for the analysis was a Memoirs’ Collection “Wyfrunęli”, which was written by Poles who migrated to the UK and Ireland after 2004. A detailed analysis points out some features in the lexical, grammatical and spelling-related aspects of the texts which suggest the bilingual nature
of the linguistic data. The lexical analysis involved studying both proper and common nouns in the context of semantic fields, which, as argued by Elżbieta Sękowska (1994), can be
a useful tool in an analysis of lexical innovations in bilingual speech. The analysis of grammar concentrated on issues related to accommodation and grammatical gender. The discussion
of the spelling focused on the function of incomplete borrowing.

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Cited By /

Northeast, K. (2019). „Ajm Polisz i mieszkam w Glasgowicach”. Wybrane zjawiska kontaktu językowego w tekstach pisanych na przykładzie zbioru wspomnień Wyfrunęli. Prace Językoznawcze, 20(4), 163–179. https://doi.org/10.31648/pj.4489

Kathryn Northeast 
Uniwersytet Wrocławski