First names of the Bernardines of Bydgoszcz and universalist values of the Old Polish culture

Maria Czaplicka-Jedlikowska

Gnieźnieńska Szkoła Wyższa Milenium


The article aims at determining whether it is possible, on the basis of the register
of first names of the Bernardines of Bydgoszcz, to draw some conclusions concerning the
elements of spiritual culture of a given age, and to find out if names of the Bernardines
of Bydgoszcz reflect the values of their personal and religious life in the Old Polish age.
The tradition of giving names is a testimony of the centuries-long process which leads
to the evolvement of each nation’s spiritual culture, which in turn becomes a non-material
cultural heritage. The collection of the analysed first names was derived from the
Bernardines’ chronicle, which covers the period from the end of the 15th century to the
beginning of the 18th century.


historical onomastics, Bernardines of Bydgoszcz, non-material cultural heritage

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Cited by

Czaplicka-Jedlikowska, M. (2021). First names of the Bernardines of Bydgoszcz and universalist values of the Old Polish culture. Prace Językoznawcze, 23(2), 155–167.

Maria Czaplicka-Jedlikowska 
Gnieźnieńska Szkoła Wyższa Milenium