Visions of first contact from a communication perspective (the case of Blindsight by Peter Watts and The Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang)

Piotr Przytuła

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM


First contact is one of the most common themes in science fiction. The situation of a human meeting with representatives of a alien civilization, although often presented in a trivial way, is for many authors a pretext for philosophical reflection on the place of man in the universe, his communication abilities and the limits of knowledge. The fatalism
that dominates in cultural representations of first contact, regarding the inability
to communicate with a stranger, is particularly visible in Stanisław Lem’s prose. In works
such as Fiasko, Głos Pana, or Solaris, man is faced with complete strangeness and doomed
to communication failure. The aim of the article is to analyze the communication situation
in selected science fiction texts – the novel Blindsight by Peter Watts and the short
story The Story of Your Life by Ted Chinag. Both authors problematize the first contact
in terms of language and communication. Watts addresses the issue of the importance
of self-awareness in the process of effective communication, using the Chinese room
argument. Chiang, on the other hand, uses the theory of linguistic relativism (Sapir-
-Whorf hypothesis), which states that the language we use affects our perception of reality.


First contact in science fiction literature, Peter Watts, Blindsight, Chinese room, Ted Chiang, The Story of Your Life, Sapir–Whorf hypothesis

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Cited by

Przytuła, P. . (2024). Visions of first contact from a communication perspective (the case of Blindsight by Peter Watts and The Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang). Prace Językoznawcze, 26(3), 227–240.

Piotr Przytuła 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM