Veröffentlicht am: 2018-09-291

Bezsensowność codzienności. Tradycja postromantyzmu w poezji typu „slices of life stories”

Jacek Krawczyk


This article is an attempt to interpret volume of poetry Białe krzesła of Krystyna Dąbrowska. The focus of the author is a category of ordinary life and aspiration to the epiphany of truth. Recovery of beauty, goodness and truth in what trivial and commonplace done through specific paradox. Namely, the more trivial appears as a gateway or a transitional stage, the more it becomes the way to spiritual values. Beauty, goodness and truth no longer have their explicit and authentic representation in the present. What we can do, is, negatively, evaluate our distance from the prototype classicism of harmonie, or positive, recover naivety see and hear the primordial harmony in the secondary, mediated manner by the hermeneutical interpretation.

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Krawczyk, J. (2018). Bezsensowność codzienności. Tradycja postromantyzmu w poezji typu „slices of life stories”. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (3). Abgerufen von

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