„Neutralność” Litwy podczas Bitwy Warszawskiej
„Lithuania’s “neutrality” during the Battle of Warsaw
Jarosław Wołkonowski
Association of Polish Scientists of LithuaniaAbstrakt
After the First World War, three concepts clashed in Eastern Europe: the model of the nation state, the expansion of the Bolshevik revolution implemented by Russia and the union of nation-states (Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia) according to Piłsudski resulting from the threat. Russia in the years 1920-1921 signed five peace treaties, but only the treaty with Lithuania contained secret arrangements regarding the neutrality of Lithuania in the Bolshevik-Polish war. The analysis of the source material shows that Russia used the secret provisions of the peace treaty in its plans for the expansion of bolshevism, and after the defeat of the Polish army, it was to carry out a Bolshevik coup in Lithuania. Despite the proclaimed neutrality, Lithuania turned out to be on the side of Russia in this conflict, causing additional difficulties for Polish troops in the Battle of Warsaw. The Polish victory over the Vistula impeded the expansion of Bolshevism to Europe.
Słowa kluczowe:
Piłsudski's federal ideas, the Polish-Bolshevik War 1919-1921, secret annexes to the peace agreement between Lithuania and the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic of July 12, 1920, Lithuania's neutrality, Battle of WarsawBibliografia
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Association of Polish Scientists of Lithuania
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