Pragmatic Component as the Identifier of Russian Vocative Etiquette

Anna Balakay

Kemerovo State University


The article claims the importance of a pragmatic semantics component fordetermining Russian vocative etiquette character. The semantic structure of vocative combineselements of nomination and predication. Being used in a pragmatic field “me – you – here – now”,in speech, the vocative is indicated by intonation. All that is complicated by syntactic meaningsof real modality, frames of speech time and addressing. According to V. V. Vinogradov, generalvocative meaning is “functionally and syntactically limited”. However, its etiquette meaning isdue to the different circumstances and in this way the semantic structure of a term of addressmay have not only denotative (“vocative”) and connotative (“friendly”, “respectful”, “formal”)components, but also the key components of a communicative situation (types of speaker oraddressee, tone, objectives of the speech). Being associated with others into the meaning semanticstructure, these components form pragmatic vocative meaning


linguistic pragmatics     pragmatic component of word semantics     vocative semantic structure     speech communication     Russian speech etiquette     speech situation     etiquette vocatives

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Cited by

Balakay, A. (2018). Pragmatic Component as the Identifier of Russian Vocative Etiquette. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 9(1), 201–2018.

Anna Balakay 
Kemerovo State University