Postcolonialism in Regional Studies. Prussian motifs in literature
Alina Kuzborska
University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynAbstract
The focus of the literary post-colonial discourse in this article is Claudius Crönert’s novel on Herkus Monte “Die Herren der Schwerter”, published in 2011, which distances itself from the old Prussian topoi and, instead, creates a new post-colonial reality. The article deals with the problem of postcolonialism and its absence in the context of Prussian research. As a theory, postcolonialism is still shaped by Eurocentric notions of a foreign discourse that mostly focuses on former colonies in far-flung parts of the world, which is illustrated here by a text by Walter Benjamin. The multi-coded past of Prussia is discussed in my contribution on the basis of the change from colonial discourse to post-colonial discourse. The reception of the pre-colonial times of the Baltic tribes is presented in the journal Adrastea on the basis of Herder’s latest work, specifically his reflections on the ‘ancestors’ of Prussia.
Prussians, postcolonialism, historical novel, Herder, Teutonic orderReferences
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
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