Johannes Bobrowski’s (1917-1965) Sarmatia in the geopoetical perspective. Lithuanian reminiscences

Anna Gajdis

University of Wrocław


The subject of the article is Sarmatia in the geopoetical perspective. Lithuanian reminiscences is Bobrowski’s literary output in the context of his concept of Sarmatia, with a special attention towards Lithuanian motives. The writer referred to the vast areas of Central and Eastern Europe from Berlin to the Urals as Sarmatia, and he defined his poetic task as the study of the Germans' transgressions against their eastern neighbours.  According to geopoetics, Sarmatia is a place made up of personal experiences, feelings and emotions. Research on the autobiography conducted by M. Czermińska allows us to call it an autobiographical place created out of landscape, history and tradition. The writer himself described East Prussia as a place of childhood and happiness, but he also felt fulfilled as a wanderer on the great expanses of Eastern Europe.


Johannes Bobrowski, Sarmatia, Eastern Europe, Prussian Lithuania, geopoetics, autobiographical places

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Cited by

Gajdis, A. (2023). Johannes Bobrowski’s (1917-1965) Sarmatia in the geopoetical perspective. Lithuanian reminiscences. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 13(2), 261–272.

Anna Gajdis 
University of Wrocław