Contemporary challenges to Poland’s security in the context of Russian activities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe

Klaudia Jagusiak

War Studies University


The purpose of this article is to identify the contemporary security challenges that Poland faces in the context of activities undertaken by the Russian Federation in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The presented conclusions are a consequence of the research carried out by the diagnostic survey method, with the use of the expert interview technique. This article was written based on research that focused on the security of the Baltic states and Poland, with particular emphasis on the aggressive policies of the Russian Federation. The findings of this research were used to inform the discussion about Poland’s security in the article. The main research problem involves identifying the security challenges that Poland faces in relation to Russian activities in Central and Eastern Europe.


security of Poland, threats to Poland’s security, Russia’s imperial policy, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia’s foreign policy, Russia’s policy

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Cited by

Jagusiak, K. (2023). Contemporary challenges to Poland’s security in the context of Russian activities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 14(2), 231–244.

Klaudia Jagusiak 
War Studies University