Stosunki rosyjsko-francuskie w przededniu podpisania paktu o nieagresji w 1932 roku w świetle polskich czynników wojskowych

The Soviet – French Relations before assignment of the pact of nonaggression in 1932 in polish military authorities analysis

Tomasz Gajownik

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The non-aggression pact concluded in November 1932 between France and the Soviet Union was on the one hand the peak achievement of French diplomacy in implementing the plan of strengthening influence in Central and Eastern Europe, and on the other the growing position of Moscow in the international arena. The signed document was the first inter-state agreement concluded by France and the USSR. From the perspective of the Second Polish Republic, the Franco-Soviet rapprochement could have had certain unfavorable consequences. That is why both civilian and military factors closely watched the negotiation process between both parties and tried to determine the actual state of bilateral relations.

Słowa kluczowe:

diplomacy     interwar period     France     Soviet Union     the pact of nonaggresion

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Cited By /

Gajownik, T. (2020). Stosunki rosyjsko-francuskie w przededniu podpisania paktu o nieagresji w 1932 roku w świetle polskich czynników wojskowych: The Soviet – French Relations before assignment of the pact of nonaggression in 1932 in polish military authorities analysis. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 11(1), 135–144.

Tomasz Gajownik 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie