Вербализация номадической культуры казахов в «Дневниках и письмах из путешествия по казахским степям» Адольфа Янушкевича: лингвопереводческие аспекты
Aigul Zhumabekova
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical UniversityAbstrakt
This research studies the forms of verbalization of Kazakh nomad’s culture (realias, toponyms and anthroponyms) in Polish language by Adolf Januszkiewicz, their translation into Russian and Kazakh, author's evaluation and commentary. The theoretical base of the research are the works on nomadology and linguistic translation. Translation model is described in relation to the texts that served as the material for the research. The causes of translation errors are revealed by comparing the original to the three translations using methods like continuous sampling, comparison, transformations, componential analysis, and reverse translation. It was found that, in Russian translation, errors are caused by the lack of knowledge of Kazakh linguistic culture and one-sidedness of the translation commentary, while in Kazakh translation, errors happened because of the intermediary translation due to language constraints, and the absence of scientific commentary.
Słowa kluczowe:
Januszkiewicz, Kazakh nomadism, direct translation, intermediary translation, translation model, translation analysis, translation errorsAbai Kazakh National Pedagogical University