Sławomir Studniarz

Katedra Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The article examines five Polish translations of the famous ballad The Raven written by Edgar Allan Poe. The translations come from different periods; the efforts by Przesmycki and Beaupre belong to the period of “Młoda Polska”, and date roughly from the tum of the nineteenth and twentieth century. The translation by Kasiński, although it was created a few decades later, still shows a clear influence of the specific aesthetics of the “Młoda Polska” movement. These three translations, in spite of numerous differences, form quite a uniform set, with the dominant underlying strategy of domestication, which manifests itself in “ennoblement” and “clarification”. By contrast, the two contemporary translations, by Barańczak and by Kozak, lack the stylistic homogeneity of their predecessors. They are also characterized by the various departures from the original, motivated by the different subjective approaches taken by each translator. None of the five examined Polish translations has attained the satisfactory degree of equivalence with respect to the original text.

Słowa kluczowe:

Młoda Polska, strategy of domestication, ennoblement, clarification, literary transla- tion, Edgar Allan Poe

D. Connolly, „Poetry translation”, hasło w: Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, red. M. Baker, London, Routledge 2005, s. 170.

S. Bassnett, Translation Studies, New York, Routledge 2002, s. 87.

A. Berman, Translation and the Trials of the Foreign, tłum. L. Venuti, w: The Translation Studies Reader, red. L. Venuti, London, Routledge 2000, s. 285-297.

E.A. Poe, The Philosophy of Composition, w: The Norton Anthology of American Literature, red. N. Baym et al., New York, Norton & Company 1993, vol. 1, s. 1464.

R. Jakobson, Poetyka w świetle językoznawstwa, tłum. K. Pomorska, w: Współczesna teoria badań literackich za granicą, red. H. Markiewicz, t. 2, Kraków, Wydawnictwo Literackie 1976, s. 57.

Edgar Allan Poe. Complete Poems, red. T.O. Mabbot, Chicago, University of Illinois Press 2000.

E.A. Poe, Kruk, tłum. Z. Przesmycki, w: idem, Poezje, Toruń, Wydawnictwo C&T 1999.

Słownik języka polskiego, t. 1, red. M. Szymczak, Warszawa, PWN 1978, s. 1060.

E.A. Poe, Kruk, tłum. B. Beaupre, w: idem, Poezje, Toruń, Wydawnictwo C&T 1999.

E.A. Poe, Kruk, tłum. W. Kasiński, [online] <http://krypta.whad.pl/html/rozne/Kruk.htm>, dostęp: 10.10.2009.

S. Barańczak, Ocalone w tłumaczeniu, Poznań, Wydawnictwo a5 1992.

E.A. Poe, Kruk, tłum. J. Kozak, [online] <http://krypta.whad.pl/html/rozne/Kruk.htm>, dostęp: 10.10.2009.


Cited By /

Studniarz, S. (2011). PIĘĆ ŻYWOTÓW KRUKA, CZYLI O POLSKICH PRZEKŁADACH WIERSZA THE RAVEN EDGARA ALLANA POEGO. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XIII), 281–302. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/1085

Sławomir Studniarz 
Katedra Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie