Adverbial Explicators of Cultural Information in the Russian Language

Любовь Савёлова



The article deals with lingvocultural aspect of studying the Russian adverb. The theoretical basis of the investigation is the idea of cognitive linguistics about function of various grammatical categories of words for rendering definite sort of information. Adverbs fulfil the nominative function and at the same time they have an evaluative connotation. The volume of the adverbs both in the common vocabulary and in a personal vocabulary; the sharp choice of these lexemes and phrases in the process of communication are rather important for detection the degree of reality detalization by a personal. Moreover, the usage of adverbs is connected with the speaker’s intentions, that is why this kind of vocabulary is included (consciously or unconsciously) into the process of forming some images in the recipient’s mind.


Russian, adverb, semantic, pragmatic, lingvocultural, information

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Cited by

Савёлова, Л. (2008). Adverbial Explicators of Cultural Information in the Russian Language. Acta Neophilologica, (X), 5–12. Retrieved from

Любовь Савёлова 