Rossica as an Istrument of Political Conflict in Poland: Certain Profile of the Stereotype of Moscow in Polish Political Discourse

Michał Sarnowski

Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Wrocławski


This article is an attempt to answer the question, in what way Rossica (various references
to Russia and Soviet Union) are used as a tool of current political conflict in contemporary
Poland and in what way and to what degree negative stereotype of Moscow was created in
Polish right-wing political discourse. The research of Polish media proved that this stereotype
is based on some components of denotative meaning of the toponym Moscow ‘the capital of
Russia and former Soviet Union’ and the invariant of this meaning ‘the centre of Russian
and (before) Soviet politics’. This stereotype is supported, on the one hand, by strong selfstereotype
of a Pole as a “bearer” of freedom and civilisation of the West as opposed to
Russian despotism and Asianism, and on the other hand − by politically pronounced anti-
Russianism. In the author’s opinion, the source of such attitude is the broad paradigm of
Polish − Russian relations. He believes that the reason for negative connotations and contexts
of numerous usages of Rossica in Polish texts can also be explained in this dimension.

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Cited by

Sarnowski, M. (2013). Rossica as an Istrument of Political Conflict in Poland: Certain Profile of the Stereotype of Moscow in Polish Political Discourse. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XV), 167–169. Retrieved from

Michał Sarnowski 
Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Wrocławski