The Picture of Night in Konstanty Fofanov’s Lyric Poetry

Walentyna Jakimiuk-Sawczyńska


In the article the analysis of the night that occures in Konstanty Fofanov’s (1862–1911)
lyric poetry has been carried. Just as in the writings of his great predecessors – Fiodor
Tutchev and Afanasy Fet, the night in his poetry possesses twofold dimension. On the one
hand, it induces the contemplation on the meaning of human life, sufferings and death, on the
other hand, descriptions made under a direct influence of observation of nature are converted
into paintings in which colour, light, sound and smell occupy important position.


Russia, lyric poetry, Fofanov, the picture of night, meaning of life

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Cited by

Jakimiuk-Sawczyńska, W. (2013). The Picture of Night in Konstanty Fofanov’s Lyric Poetry. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XV), 263–271. Retrieved from

Walentyna Jakimiuk-Sawczyńska