Motivations of Lexical Transformations (on the Example of the Basic Lexeme пройти)

Martyna Król

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


The paper is aimed at the problem of transformational word-formation meant as
a dynamic process of formation of new expressions on the basis of linguistic models
using entire forms of already existing expressions, which become motivated expressions
that way. This problem was taken into consideration from this viewpoint often defined in
linguistics as polysemy. One lexical unit was analyzed on the basis of many core glossaries
and a homonym dictionary, and three was an attempt to falsify the theory of polysemy and
substitute it with the theory of homonimoidality seen as a phenomenon of formal similarity of
expressions having different semantic features and retained derivational features (one of the
expressions is a motivational one, another – motivated). The paper also presents a detailed
description with a scheme of motivation of such lexical transformations of the entity, which
is determined by a greater semantic elasticity. In the glossaries, the number of meanings for
the lexical unit oscillated at 15–17 meanings but their definitions were different. The change
in basic theory allowed both to distract and to order the semantic structure of homonimoids


semantics, lexical transformations, homonymy, homonimoidality, derivation

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Cited by

Król, M. (2012). Motivations of Lexical Transformations (on the Example of the Basic Lexeme пройти). Acta Neophilologica, 2(XIV), 59–68. Retrieved from

Martyna Król 
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach