Reality and the World of a Book. A Writer’s Individuality in View of Time and Emigration Space in По карнизам [Along the Cornices] by Aleksei Remizov

Monika Sidor

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The article is devoted to the specific character of time and space in Aleksei Remizov’s
Along the Cornices, which was written in exile and belonged to the writer’s less known
works of art. The analysis starts by comparing this work to the best known Remizov’s novel
Whirlwind Russia, which was created approximately at the same time. These works of art
basically differ in immanents of the presented world, however, the choice of artistic devices,
especially the way of presenting time and space, is essentially similar. The author of the
article pays attention to the most important features of the protagonist – his attitude towards
the surroundings and attempts of self-defining in view of emigration reality. Although time
and place of the action were approximately outlined in the book, for the protagonist the
external world is mainly the place of exile and as such does not have much significance.
Thus, in spite of essential awareness of time and space, the individual separates itself from
this unwanted reality and transfers into the alternative world, the world of fantasy and
unrestricted creation, which was called “the world of a book” here.


protagonist, space, time, emigration, identity, creation

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Cited by

Sidor, M. (2012). Reality and the World of a Book. A Writer’s Individuality in View of Time and Emigration Space in По карнизам [Along the Cornices] by Aleksei Remizov. Acta Neophilologica, 2(XIV), 209–219. Retrieved from

Monika Sidor 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II