Figury retoryczne w dyskursie perswazyjnym – konfrontacja na podstawie analizy reklam polskich, włoskich i francuskich

Anna Dolata-Zaród

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Agnieszka Pastucha-Blin


The aim of the present article is to offer a comparative analysis of advertising
discourse with regard to the presence and classification of rhetorical figures as an efficient
strategy of persuasion. Short commercial texts extracted directly from trade offers
of producers, sales companies and online shops, as well as advertisements published
on websites and in on-line versions of magazines have been analyzed. Due to limited
textual capabilities, we have decided to restrict the scope of the analysis to texts which
promote cosmetic products, as well as those that advertise various beauty treatments as
a means of improving the appearance and well-being of contemporary women. In order
to fully demonstrate the comparative aspect of the study, we have analyzed advertisements
of the same products (of commonly known brands) in three linguistic versions, Polish,
Italian and French, thus indicating the differences and similarities stemming from the
employment of rhetorical figures.

Ключевые слова:

rhetorical figures, persuasion, discourse, advertisements

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Dolata-Zaród, A., & Pastucha-Blin, A. (2021). Figury retoryczne w dyskursie perswazyjnym – konfrontacja na podstawie analizy reklam polskich, włoskich i francuskich. Acta Neophilologica, 2(XXIII), 7–20.

Anna Dolata-Zaród 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Agnieszka Pastucha-Blin