Nazwy etniczne i nazwy służebne w nazwach miejscowych Ukrainy i pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego od XVI do XVIII wieku

Teresa Pluskota



The toponymy of Ukraine and of the Polish-Ukrainian frontier in the studied period is interesting with respect to the reflection of the contemporary settlement processes and with respect to the takeover by the 16th century toponymy of many Old Ruthenian features. These processes were accompanied by certain polonisation of writing in the 17th and 18th century. Numerous linguistic alternants are noticed. The above-mentioned phenomena are analysed in the article in ancillary and ethnic names (tribal names, ethnonyms, names of the citizens with respect to the feature of the inhabited place or names of emigrants from towns or villages). The studied groups retained their old names (the names given are source writing forms), conf. tribal names: Kiwercze, Torki, Печенеги, etc. New forms appear indicating culture and language clash typical for these areas, i.e. Koscielniki, Kryłosanie, Warwazynce. The article discusses the group development in subsequent centuries and the areas of occurrence of respective toponyms.

Słowa kluczowe:

toponymy;Polish-Ukrainian frontier



Cited By /

Pluskota, T. (2007). Nazwy etniczne i nazwy służebne w nazwach miejscowych Ukrainy i pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego od XVI do XVIII wieku. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XII), 199–209. Pobrano z

Teresa Pluskota 