Chrześcijańskie przeslanie prozy Wladimira Мaksimowa.

Izabella Siemianowska



The aim of this article is to attempt to prove that the prose of one of the most distinguished
representatives of the third wave of Russian emigration, Vladimir Maksimov, is based on Christian
philosophy. Christian philosophy is a philosophy of love. Maksimovs characters on their way towards
God and faith are almost usually led there by the selfless love of their fellow creatures. The main
message of the writers works is the Christian concept according to which God exists in every human
being. Therefore, Maksimovs novels contain numerous examples of goodness and human mercy,
thanks to which the characters discover a divine element in themselves, and then their lives gain
a new, deeper dimension. The regaining of faith in another human being is, according to Vladimir
Maksimov, the first step to the regaining of faith in God. The author of Seven Days of Creation saw
the hope of overcoming the sin of totalitarianism in the return of the Russian nation to faith. In the
writers understanding, totalitarianism was evil, because it denied the existence of God and destroyed
the individual by depriving it of the possibility to relate to the Transcendence. Numerous biblical
references confirm the Christian concept of the world and humanity in Maksimovs works. The key
to the understanding of Maksimovs prose lies in the teachings of Christ, the deep sense of which has
been enclosed in the mystery of the Resurrection.

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Siemianowska, I. (2009). Chrześcijańskie przeslanie prozy Wladimira Мaksimowa. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XIV), 253–263. извлечено от

Izabella Siemianowska 