Беларускiя вершы Адама М-скага: Тэксты i кантэксты

Мікола Хаўстовіч

Uniwersytet Warszawski


The article analyses the context of Belarusian-language poems by Adam M-ski, and an attempt is made to find the reasons for the poet’s choice of the language.
In our opinion, Adam M-ski aimed to accomplish an important task with the help of Belarusian-language poems-songs: to put a barrier to the expansion of Russian-language mass culture in the region and thus protect his, original, Polish culture. Preserved Belarusian-language texts by Adam M-ski – four translated and one original – were created on the basis of highly artistic Polish works which were very popular at the time. The poet hoped that his poems would be accepted by the Belarusian village community.

Ключевые слова:

translations, Jan Czeczot, Maria Konopnicka, Teofil Lenartowicz, poems-songs, Russian mass culture

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Хаўстовіч, М. (2021). Беларускiя вершы Адама М-скага: Тэксты i кантэксты. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 2(XXVI), 75–90.

Мікола Хаўстовіч 
Uniwersytet Warszawski