Published: 2024-08-311

The political crisis of 1962 in Senegal and its portrayal in the media

Bara Ndiaye
Echa Przeszłości


Research thesis: Mamadou Dia's early removal from power blocked Senegal's independent development for decades. To verify the above thesis, this article analyzes historical and media sources presenting political events and the key figures who participated in the events of 1962 in Senegal. The relationship between Léopold Sédar Senghor and Mamadou Dia, the causes of the crisis, its portrayal in the media, and the resulting consequences for Senegal were explored. Attempts were made to answer the following questions: What were the causes of the crisis? Who was the protagonist of the conflict? How did the media report on the events of December 1962? How did the crisis affect the fate of Senegal?


Senegal, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Mamadou Dia, politics, crisis, media

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Ndiaye, B. (2024). The political crisis of 1962 in Senegal and its portrayal in the media. Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/1), 193–213.

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