Published: 2019-01-071

Senators’ motives for attending parliamentary sessions during the reign of Władysław IV Vasa

Andrzej Korytko
Echa Przeszłości


The article discusses the parliamentary activity of the senators during the reign of Władysław IV Vasa. The author relies on numerous sources to analyze the senators’ motives for participating in the sessions of the Polish-Lithuanian Parliament. In most cases, the senators felt compelled to attend parliamentary sessions by their sense of duty, the importance of the parliament, pressure from the royal court, vacancies, personal affairs and the desire to voice their political opinions. The author concludes that senators often attended parliamentary sessions for a combination of reasons.


Władysław IV Vasa, Sejm, senators

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Korytko, A. (2019). Senators’ motives for attending parliamentary sessions during the reign of Władysław IV Vasa. Echa Przeszłości, (XIX).

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