Published: 2020-08-211

Ludwig von Erlichshausen’s homage-taking tour of 1450 and 1451

Marek Radoch
Echa Przeszłości


An interesting historical report published by Max Toeppen and left untapped by other historians
details the homage tour of the Grand Master Ludwig von Erlichshausen through Upper and Lower
Prussia, Chełmno Land and Pomerania during four months of 1450 (from early May to early September),
and one week of July 1451. Inspections of 71 administrative centers of the Teutonic state by the Grand
Master of the Teutonic Order confirm their importance at the time, and were an honor for the residents.
The inhabitants of the villages located off the Grand Master’s route paid their homage by visiting the
nearest towns. Ludwig von Erlichshausen and his entourage stayed in Teutonic castles along the route.
The Grand Master received homage from knights, soldiers, squires, free peasants, landowners, village
mayors, councilors, jurors, town folk, councilors, as well as the local administrators from the Żuławy
region, including dyke inspectors, village mayors and other village council members. The report presents
the network of cities and villages of the Teutonic State, and identifies larger and active clusters of Prussian,
Masurian and German populations.


Ludwig von Erlichshausen, homage, tour, Grand Master, Teutonic Order

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Radoch, M. (2020). Ludwig von Erlichshausen’s homage-taking tour of 1450 and 1451. Echa Przeszłości, (XX/2).

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